Customer Photos & Videos*
This page on our site is dedicated to customers who want to share photos, Facebook links, Instagram, and videos of speaker repairs they have performed. Check them out! If you would like to have your project added, please email us at: [email protected]
Customer video of foam repair kit on Carver Amazing Loudspeakers:
Customer video of foam repair kit installation on BMW E46, BMW 330i front door midrange speakers:
Customer Instagram of repair kit installation on Boston Acoustics subwoofer:
Customer video of foam installation on Baby Advent II woofers:
Customer video of foam installation on Pioneer HPM-700 woofers:
Customer video of foam installation on Boston Acoustics A-60 woofers:
Customer photo of new grill cloth installation on a center channel speaker using grill cloth part # A-569:
Customer before and after photo of Bose 901 speaker repair using cloth edge repair kit part # CLSK-4.5B: