Acoustic Research: AR-3, AR3, AR-3a, AR3a, AR-9, AR9, AR-10 pi, AR10pi, AR-10, AR10, AR-11, AR11, AR-58, AR58B, 58BX, 58BXI, 58S, 58SU, 58LS, AR-91, AR91, 915, 1210003-2, 1210003, 1210079, 12200003, 1210079-0, 200003, 58, 78LS, AR-98LS, AR98LS, AR-9LS, AR9LS, 9LSI, AR-LST, LST, TSW-610, TSW-910, and many more!
Note: Does NOT work with newer AR3 "powered" speaker systems.